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ITEM#: 3136-4255012

MFR#: 4255012

Thermo Scientific Mobile Detection System, Temperature Operating: 0 deg. to 50 deg.C, Detector Type: Gamma radiation, Energy Range: 36keV to 1.3MeV, Humidity Range: 5 to 95%, Range: 1nSv/Hour to 20uSv/Hour Scintillation detector, 10nSv/Hour

Thermo Scientific Mobile Detection System, Temperature Operating: 0 deg. to 50 deg.C, Detector Type: Gamma radiation, Energy Range: 36keV to 1.3MeV, Humidity Range: 5 to 95%, Range: 1nSv/Hour to 20uSv/Hour Scintillation detector, 10nSv/Hour