Tosoh Bioscience AIA-PACK Test Cups - IRI (Insulin), Quantity: 4 x 4mL, Insulin Sample Diluting Solution, For Use With: TOSOH AIA system, Recommended Applications: Healthcare
Tosoh Bioscience AIA-PACK Test Cups - IRI (Insulin), Quantity: 4 x 4mL, Insulin Sample Diluting Solution, For Use With: TOSOH AIA system, Recommended Applications: Healthcare
Tosoh Bioscience AIA-PACK Test Cups - TT3 (Triiodothyronine), Quantity: 4 x 4mL, TT3 sample diluting solution, For Use With: Test cup technology provides consistent and accurate assay results since all assays run the same way, every time, R
Tosoh Bioscience AIA-PACK Test Cups - T4 (Thyroxine), Quantity: 5 trays of 20 cups, Sample diluting solution, For Use With: Test cup technology provides consistent and accurate assay results since all assays run the same way, every time, Re