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Anti-Beta-Dystrobrevin Antibody, clone 6B5.1 culture supernatant, clone 6B5.1, from mouse

ITEM#: 3042-MABN1611

MFR#: MABN1611

Dystrobrevin beta (UniProt O60941; also known as Beta-dystrobrevin, DTN-B) is encoded by the DTNB gene (Gene ID 1838) in human. Dystrobrevin alpha and beta are cytoplasmic components of dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex (DGC) that links the

Dystrobrevin beta (UniProt O60941; also known as Beta-dystrobrevin, DTN-B) is encoded by the DTNB gene (Gene ID 1838) in human. Dystrobrevin alpha and beta are cytoplasmic components of dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex (DGC) that links the extracellular matrix to the actin cytoskeleton. Whereas dystrobrevin alpha is ubiquitously expressed, dystrobrevin beta is expressed in non-muscle tissues, including brain. In addition to being a component of the DGCs, dystrobrevins also play roles in other functions via interact with various cellular proteins. A role of dystrobrevin beta in the regulation of chromatin dynamics is suggested based on its interaction with the high mobility group-domain proteins iBRAF and BRAF35. The function of dystrobrevins and their interactions with binding partners are regulated by post-translational modifications. Both PKA and PKC are shown to phosphorylate dystrobrevin beta on Thr11 that negatively impacts its binding affinity for the cargo-binding domainof kinesin heavy chain (Kif5A). Dystrobrevin shares sequence homology with the C-terminus of dystrophin, but does not bind dystroglycan. Dystrobrevin beta contains a ZZ-type zinc finger (a.a. 237-284), syntrophin-binding region (a.a. 399-448), a coiled-coil region (a.a. 428-529) that mediates the association between dystrobrevin and dystrophin.