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Anti-Cytokeratin 19 Antibody, clone TROMA-3 clone TROMA-3, from rat

ITEM#: 3042-MABT913


Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 19 (UniProt: P19001; also known as Cytokeratin-19, CK-19, Keratin-19, K19) is encoded by the Krt19 (also known as Krt1-19) gene (Gene ID: 16669) in murine species. CK-19 belongs to the family of intermediate filament (IF)

Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 19 (UniProt: P19001; also known as Cytokeratin-19, CK-19, Keratin-19, K19) is encoded by the Krt19 (also known as Krt1-19) gene (Gene ID: 16669) in murine species. CK-19 belongs to the family of intermediate filament (IF) family, but differs from other IF proteins in lacking the C-terminal tail domain. About 20 different cytokeratin proteins have been reported in higher animals in varying combinations during various stages of development. CK-19 is normally expressed in the lining of the gastroenteropancreatic and hepatobiliary tracts. It is expressed throughout embryonic development with highest levels observed at 8.5 days post coitum. Its expression is shown to decrease by day 11.5 and then is increased again by 17.5 days post coitum. CK-19 is shown to be involved in the organization of myofibrils and together with keratin 8, it helps to link the contractile apparatus to dystrophin at the costameres of striated muscle. CK-19 has been shown to be an independent prognostic factor for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, especially the insulin-negative tumors. TROMA 3 has been found to stain trophoblastoma TDM.1 cells, a subpopulation of the retinoic acid.-induced F9 and PCC3/ND1 cells, and in 5-azacytidine-treated 1246 cells.