HYDROPHOB PTFE FLT 0.2UM,5/CS.Falcon Pipet Controller Hydrophobic PTFE Filters, Pore Size: 0.2 um, For Use With: For use with pipet controller, Quantity: 5/Cs., Serological Pipet
HYDROPHOB PTFE FLT 0.2UM,5/CS.Falcon Pipet Controller Hydrophobic PTFE Filters, Pore Size: 0.2 um, For Use With: For use with pipet controller, Quantity: 5/Cs., Serological Pipet
PIPET CONTROLLER, ULTRA, W/UNI.Corning Stripettor Ultra Pipet Controller, Battery Type: AAA, Display: LCD, Filter Type: 0.2_m, For Use With: Glass and plastic serological pipets from 0.5 to 100mL, Includes: Universal power supply, three 0.2um filters
GASKET TC FOR PIPET-AID 1EA.Drummond Portable Pipet-Aid Pipette Controller Accessory, TC Rubber Gasket, Autoclavable: Not Autoclavable, For Use With: Original Portable Pipet-Aid, Portable Pipet-Aid XL, Portable Pipet-Aid XP