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IBMX Phosphodiesterase inhibitor, 500 Item

ITEM#: 2013-62AMXADC


IBMX is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor to be used in the cAMP Gs and cAMP Gi kits. IBMX guarantees cAMP accumulation in the cytoplasm..PDEs are represented by a large super-family of enzymes whose role is to hydrolyze cAMP into AMP, and cGMP into GMP.

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IBMX is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor to be used in the cAMP Gs and cAMP Gi kits. IBMX guarantees cAMP accumulation in the cytoplasm..PDEs are represented by a large super-family of enzymes whose role is to hydrolyze cAMP into AMP, and cGMP into GMP. It should be emphasized that while not all PDEs lead to the specific hydrolysis of cAMP, the non-selective PDE inhibitor IBMX is often the preferred chemical used in most cAMP accumulation assays. The use of a Pan-PDE inhibitor ensures that the hydrolysis effect of most PDEs will be inhibited, which in turn guarantees high levels of cAMP accumulation in the cell..