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Slide Stainers

ITEM#: 3136-A80500024

MFR#: A80500024

AUTOSTAINER 360PT COMBO.Epredia Lab Vision Autostainer 360-2D, Autostainer 360 and PT Module 110V, Description: Autostainer 360 + PT Module 110V, Height: 58cm, Length: 67cm, Reagent Capacity: Up to 40 reagents/run, 12mL/reagent, Slide Capacity: 1-36

AUTOSTAINER 360PT COMBO.Epredia Lab Vision Autostainer 360-2D, Autostainer 360 and PT Module 110V, Description: Autostainer 360 + PT Module 110V, Height: 58cm, Length: 67cm, Reagent Capacity: Up to 40 reagents/run, 12mL/reagent, Slide Capacity: 1-36