SiliCycle SiliaPrep SPE Cartridges - C4 (8%), Bed Weight: 500 mg, Volume: 6 mL, Qty: 50 Pk., For Use With: Extraction of molecules with large hydrophobic regions, Vacuum Manifolds or Automated SPE Equipment, Particle Size: 40 to 63 um, Prod
SiliCycle SiliaPrep SPE Cartridges - TAAcOH, Bed Weight: 500 mg, Volume: 6 mL, Qty: 50 Pk., For Use With: Lower residual metal concentration in Ca, Co, Ir, Li, Mg, Ni, Os, Ru and Sc, Vacuum Manifolds or Automated SPE Equipment, Particle Siz
SiliCycle SiliaPrep SPE Cartridges - Thiourea, Bed Weight: 500 mg, Volume: 6 mL, Qty: 50 Pk., For Use With: Lower residual metal concentration in Pd and Ru, Vacuum Manifolds or Automated SPE Equipment, Particle Size: 40 to 63 um, Product Li
SiliCycle SiliaPrep SPE Cartridges - Carbonate, Bed Weight: 500 mg, Volume: 6 mL, Qty: 50 Pk., For Use With: Scavenging of TFA and Extraction of Acids (Boronic Acids and Acidic Phenols), Vacuum Manifolds or Automated SPE Equipment, Particle