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Western Blotting Substrates

ITEM#: 3042-WBLUR0500


HRP CHEMLUMINESCNT SUBSTRT.MilliporeSigma Luminata Western HRP Chemiluminescence Substrates, Luminata Crescendo Western HRP Substrate, Quantity: 500 mL, Sensitivity: 1 to 3 pg, Formulation: HRP, For Use With: Western blotting, dot/slot blotting, Stor

HRP CHEMLUMINESCNT SUBSTRT.MilliporeSigma Luminata Western HRP Chemiluminescence Substrates, Luminata Crescendo Western HRP Substrate, Quantity: 500 mL, Sensitivity: 1 to 3 pg, Formulation: HRP, For Use With: Western blotting, dot/slot blotting, Stor