My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview TB HCT STATSP MIC HEP 100VL/PK HEMOCUE ITEM#: 3290-HT9H10 PK HemoCue America StatSpin Glass Microhematocrit Tubes, For Use With: Heparinized for fingersticks, RH12 HCT rotor, Microhematocrit Capillary Tube, Length: 1.57 in., 4cm, Recommended Applications:... VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview READER STAT SPIN HEMOCRIT HEMOCUE ITEM#: 3290-HR05 HemoCue America StatSpin Card Style Hematocrit Reader, Laminated Plastic, For Use With: 40mm Microhematocrit tubes, Includes: Sliding transparent tube holder, sliding percent hematocrit scale,... VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview INSRT 13X100MM SSX3 TBE 8/PK HEMOCUE ITEM#: 3290-SV11 PK HemoCue America Iris Sample Processing StatSpin Express 3 and 4 Accessories: Inserts, For Use With: 4mL BD RST tube; Express 4 Horizontal centrifuge, Recommended Applications: Healthcare VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview INSRT 13X75MM SSX3 TBE 8/PK HEMOCUE ITEM#: 3290-SV10 PK HemoCue America Iris Sample Processing StatSpin Express 3 and 4 Accessories: Inserts, For Use With: 5mL Greiner tube; Express 4 Horizontal centrifuge, Recommended Applications: Healthcare VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview EXPRESS ROTOR HEMOCUE ITEM#: 3290-RTX4 HemoCue America StatSpin Express 2 Centrifuge Rotor, Capacity: 5mL, For Use With: StatSpin Express 2 Centrifuge, Replacement Rotor, Includes: Insert for 5mL tube, Recommended Applications: Healthcare VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview CAPILLARY TUBE 75MM UNTREATED PK100 HEMOCUE ITEM#: 3290-HP4U10 PK StatSpin® Microhematocrit Tubes, Iris Sample Processing - HP4U-10, SafeCrit Plastic Capillary Tube. Hematocrit Tubes. SafeCrit Hematocrit Tubes untreated, 75mm, for use with conventional micro... VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview CAPILLARY TUBE 75MM PK100 HEMOCUE ITEM#: 3290-HP4H10 PK StatSpin® Microhematocrit Tubes, Iris Sample Processing - HP4H-10, SafeCrit Plastic Capillary Tube. Hematocrit Tubes. SafeCrit Hematocrit Tubes with Sodium Heparin, 75mm, for use with conventional... VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview WBC ANALYZER NON-WAIVED HEMOCUE ITEM#: 3290-123001 HemoCue America WBC Analyzer, WBC analyzer, Quantity: Each, Analysis Time: 3 min., Depth: 4.7 in., 11.9cm, Detection Range: 3 to 30 x 109L, For Use With: Quantitative determination of white Blood... VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview CUVETTES HB 201 100/PK HEMOCUE ITEM#: 3290-111732 PK HemoCue America Hb 201+ Analyzer: Cuvettes, Cuvettes for HB-201 analyzer, Quantity: 100, For Use With: Hb 201 analyzer, Operating Temperature Range: 59 to 86 deg.F, 15 to 30 deg.C, Recommended... VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview USB CABLE FOR HEMOCUE DM HEMOCUE ITEM#: 3290-139065 HemoCue America Accessories for HemoCue 201 DM Analyzers, USB Cable, For Use With: HemoCue 201 DM analyzer, Quantity: Each, Recommended Applications: Healthcare VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview LAN CABLE FOR HEMOCUE DM HEMOCUE ITEM#: 3290-131051 HemoCue America Accessories for HemoCue 201 DM Analyzers, LAN/Ethernet Cable, For Use With: HemoCue 201 DM analyzer, Quantity: Each, Intended Use: Recharges analyzer battery while analyzer is docked... VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview WBC CLEANER 5/PK HEMOCUE ITEM#: 3290-139130 PK HemoCue America WBC Analyzer Cleaner Swabs, For Use With: For cleaning optical parts of HemoCue WBC analyzer, Recommended Applications: Healthcare VIEW DETAILS