Abnova Insulin (Rat) ELISA Kit, Conjugate: HRP, Cross Reactivity: Rat, Format: 96 wells, Calibration Range: 0 to 140uIU/mL, Description: Insulin (Rat) ELISA Kit is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative measurement of rat insuli
Abnova Insulin (Rat) ELISA Kit, Conjugate: HRP, Cross Reactivity: Rat, Format: 96 wells, Calibration Range: 0 to 140uIU/mL, Description: Insulin (Rat) ELISA Kit is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative measurement of rat insuli
Abnova Insulin (Human) ELISA Kit, Calibration Range: 0 to 140uIU/mL, For Use With: Quantification, Sample Type: Body Fluid, Cell Culture Supernatant, Plasma, Serum, Tissue Lysates, Storage Requirements: Store the kit at 4 deg.C., Cross Reac
Abnova Insulin (Rodent) ELISA Kit, Conjugate: HRP, Cross Reactivity: Rodents, Format: 96 wells, Calibration Range: 0 to 25ng/mL, Description: Insulin (Rodent) ELISA Kit is an immunoassay for the quantitative determination of circulating ins
Abnova Insulin Ab ELISA Kit, Conjugate: HRP, Calibration Range: 6.3 to 100U/mL, Description: Insulin Ab ELISA Kit is an indirect solid phase ELISA for the quantitative measurement of IgG class autoantibodies against bovine, porcine and reco
Abnova Insulin (Pig) ELISA Kit, Conjugate: HRP, Cross Reactivity: Pig, Format: 96 wells, Calibration Range: 0 to 25ng/mL, Description: Insulin (Pig) ELISA Kit is an immunoassay for the quantitative determination of circulating insulin, a pe