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Portable Autopsy Tables

ITEM#: 3788-DF100

MFR#: DF100

AUTPSY CRT W/REMOVABLE GRIDPLT.Mopec Removable Grid Plate Autopsy Cart, Description: 60 degree slope for easy cleaning (35 in. front to 36.5 in. back), Height: 36.5 in., 92.71cm, Includes: Heavy Duty 8 in. casters with Total-Lock feature, Length: 80.

AUTPSY CRT W/REMOVABLE GRIDPLT.Mopec Removable Grid Plate Autopsy Cart, Description: 60 degree slope for easy cleaning (35 in. front to 36.5 in. back), Height: 36.5 in., 92.71cm, Includes: Heavy Duty 8 in. casters with Total-Lock feature, Length: 80.