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Anti-8-Oxoguanine, clone 483.15 Antibody (Ascites Free) clone 483.15, from mouse

ITEM#: 3042-MAB3560C

MFR#: MAB3560-C

8-Oxoguanine is a mutagenic oxidative damage product of guanine. Oxidatively damaged base 8-oxoguanine is generated in the DNA of all living organisms due to the presence of reactive oxygen species in cells. DNA damage threatens the health of the gen

8-Oxoguanine is a mutagenic oxidative damage product of guanine. Oxidatively damaged base 8-oxoguanine is generated in the DNA of all living organisms due to the presence of reactive oxygen species in cells. DNA damage threatens the health of the genetic information stored in every DNA molecule; however enzymes exist in cells to protect against the mutagenic effect of this lesion. 8-oxoguanine is one of the most abundant and well-characterized DNA lesions generated by oxidative stress. It has been estimated that ~180 guanines are oxidized to 8-oxoG per mammalian cell per day. 8-oxoG is a miscoding lesion that can cause G:C to T:A or T:A to G:C transversion mutations. This lesion accumulates in DNA with age and it has been loosly linked to several cancers and diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.