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Anti-CD47 Antibody, clone C5/D5 clone C5/D5, from mouse

ITEM#: 3042-MABF959


Leukocyte surface antigen CD47 (UniProt Q08722; also known as Antigenic surface determinant protein OA3, CD47, IAP, Integrin-associated protein, Protein MER6) is encoded by the CD47 (also known as MER6) gene (Gene ID 861) in human. Originally defined

Leukocyte surface antigen CD47 (UniProt Q08722; also known as Antigenic surface determinant protein OA3, CD47, IAP, Integrin-associated protein, Protein MER6) is encoded by the CD47 (also known as MER6) gene (Gene ID 861) in human. Originally defined as a tumor-specific marker for ovarian carcinoma, CD47 a multitransmembrane glycoprotein widely expressed on all hematopoietic cells and most other cell types. CD47 plays a role in alphavbeta3-mediated cell adhesion and Ca2+ influx, as well as in platelet activation via interaction with thrombospondin-1. In addtion, CD47 modulates peripheral mononuclear (PMN) neutrophil migration across endothelial and epithelial monolayers. The rate of fMLP-stimulated PMN migration is shown to be decreased by CD47 functional blockage upon neutralizaing antibody treatment, which can be partially reversed by PI3K inhibition. Following fMLP stimulation and after PMN transmigration, secondary granules-derived CD47 molecules are shown to accumulate on plasma membrane, resulting in increased cell surface CD47 immunoreactivity. CD47 is produced with a signal peptide sequence (a.a. 1-18) that is removed posttranslationally to yiled the 5-transmembrane (a.a. 142-162, 177-197, 208-228, 236-256, 269-289) protein with its N-terminal end (a.a. 19-141), composed almost entirely of a V-type Ig-like domain (a.a. 19-127), exposed extracellularly and its C-terminal end (a.a. 290-323) at the cytoplasmic side.