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Anti-Kallikrein 6/KLK6 Antibody, clone E24 clone E24, from mouse

ITEM#: 3042-MABN873


Kallikrein-6 (UniProt Q92876; also known as hK6, Neurosin, Protease M, Serine protease 18, Serine protease 9, SP59, Zyme) is encoded by the KLK6 (also known as PRSS18, PRSS9) gene (Gene ID 5653) in human. Kallikrein-6 belongs to the kallikrein subfam

Kallikrein-6 (UniProt Q92876; also known as hK6, Neurosin, Protease M, Serine protease 18, Serine protease 9, SP59, Zyme) is encoded by the KLK6 (also known as PRSS18, PRSS9) gene (Gene ID 5653) in human. Kallikrein-6 belongs to the kallikrein subfamily of serine proteases, members of which are involved in diverse physiological functions and many are used clinically as biomarkers for cancers. Originally identified due to its aberrant expression in mammary and ovarian cancers, kallikrein-6 is expressed in a wide range of tissues, including breast, kidney, and the central nervous system. Kallikrein-6 is known to cleave components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and is reported to be involved in multiple cellular processes, including inflammation, receptor activation, and apoptosis. In addition, deregulated KLK6 expression occurs in neurodegenerative and skin disorders, and is a common event in many types of human cancers. Consequently, KLK6 represents a promising biomarker of early diagnosis and/or unfavorable prognosis in these human malignancies. Kallikrein-6 is initially produced as a preproprotein with a signal (aa 1-16) and a propeptide (aa 17-21), cleavage of which releases the mature protein (aa 22-244).