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Anti-Septin-9 Antibody, clone 1A6C2 clone 1A6C2, from rat

ITEM#: 3042-MABT321


Septin-9 (also known as eighth septin, Eseptin, and MLL septin-like fusion) is encoded by the Sept9 gene in rat and mouse (SEPT9 in human). Septins are GTP-binding proteins capable of forming higher-order oligomers and filamentous polymers that conta

Septin-9 (also known as eighth septin, Eseptin, and MLL septin-like fusion) is encoded by the Sept9 gene in rat and mouse (SEPT9 in human). Septins are GTP-binding proteins capable of forming higher-order oligomers and filamentous polymers that contact with the cell membrane and cytoskeleton. Septins are involved in various cellular processes, including cytokinesis, karyokinesis, exocytosis, and cell shape maintenance. The expression of SEPT2, SEPT6, SEPT7 and SEPT9 in heart tissue is reported to correlate well with cardiomyocyte cytokinesis activity during heart development, is highly expressed in embryonic heart, downregulated around birth, and nondetectable in the adult heart. (PMID 16739252 & 24837489). Clone 1A6C2 was generated using an immunogen sequence present only in rat spetin-9 isoform 1 (SLP-a; Q9QZR6), but missing in rat isoform 2-4 (SLP-b, E-septin long & short forms). The immunogen sequence is 100% conserved in murine species (A2A6U3) and differs by one amino acid when compared to the corresponding human sequence in isoform 2, and missing in human isoforms 1,3,4 (Q9UHD8).