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Anti-ZBTB7A Antibody, clone 13E9 clone 13E9, from hamster(Armenian)

ITEM#: 3042-MABE1056

MFR#: MABE1056

Zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 7A (UniProt O95365; also known as Factor binding IST protein 1, Factor that binds to inducer of short transcripts protein 1, FBI-1, HIV-1 1st-binding protein 1, Leukemia/lymphoma-related factor, POK eryth

Zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 7A (UniProt O95365; also known as Factor binding IST protein 1, Factor that binds to inducer of short transcripts protein 1, FBI-1, HIV-1 1st-binding protein 1, Leukemia/lymphoma-related factor, POK erythroid myeloid ontogenic factor, Pokemon, TIP21, POZ and Krueppel erythroid myeloid ontogenic factor, TTF-I-interacting peptide 21, Zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 7A, Zinc finger protein 857A) is encoded by the ZBTB7A (also known as FBI1, LRF, ZBTB7, ZNF857A) gene (Gene ID 51341) in human. Pokemon/ZBTB7A belongs to the family of POK (POZ/BTB and Krueppel) transcription factors that play important roles in cellular differentiation and oncogenesis. Pokemon/ZBTB7A overexpression is reported in cancers of various origins, including non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), breast cancer, ovarian cancer, as well as in non-Hodgkin lymphoma, where it is found to directly repress the expression of the tumor suppressor ARF. On the other hand, loss of pokemon/ZBTB7A expression is also found to promote the progression of prostate tumorigenesis among a subset of human advanced prostate cancers by bypassing Pten loss-induced cellular senescence (PICS) as a result of Sox9-dependent oncogenic pathways activation.