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Distillation Apparatus Accessories

ITEM#: 2543-015610003

MFR#: 015610003

FINDENSER MINI B24 CONE, B24 S.Heidolph Radleys Findenser Super Air Condensers, Joint Type: B24 cone and B24 socket, Capacity: 250 mL, Weight: 670 g, 1.4 lb., Waterless, Air Condenser, Autoclavable: No, Diameter Outside: 2.8 in., 72 mm, Length: 275 m

FINDENSER MINI B24 CONE, B24 S.Heidolph Radleys Findenser Super Air Condensers, Joint Type: B24 cone and B24 socket, Capacity: 250 mL, Weight: 670 g, 1.4 lb., Waterless, Air Condenser, Autoclavable: No, Diameter Outside: 2.8 in., 72 mm, Length: 275 m