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Distributor Kit Protein A-IgG w/High Carboxyl Sensor



Protein A - IgG Demo Kit provides all components necessary to perform up to 10 kinetic demonstrations with carboxyl sensor chemistry on the OpenSPR instrument. Kit contains: 10x High Capacity Carboxyl Sensors 10x Protein A Aliquots 10x Human IgG Aliq

Protein A - IgG Demo Kit provides all components necessary to perform up to 10 kinetic demonstrations with carboxyl sensor chemistry on the OpenSPR instrument. Kit contains: 10x High Capacity Carboxyl Sensors 10x Protein A Aliquots 10x Human IgG Aliquots 3x 7.7mg EDC 3x 4.6mg NHS 3 mL 10mM HCl 3 mL 1M Ethanolamine, pH 8.54 mL Protein A Immobilization Buffer (10 mM Sodium Acetate pH 5.0) 25 mL Glycine-HCl pH 1.5 25 mL 80% Isopropanol 500 mL PBS-T, pH 7.4 50-pk 1mL Plastic Syringes 50-pk Blunt-end Injection tips