My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview Virtual training up to 8 hrs DIVERSATEK HEALTHCARE ITEM#: 2357-VIRTFULLDAY Virtual training up to 8 hrs. Topic of customer's choice, up to 4 attendees. Expires one year from PO date VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview Virtual training up to 4 hrs DIVERSATEK HEALTHCARE ITEM#: 2357-VIRTHALFDAY Virtual training up to 4 hrs. Topic of customer's choice, up to 4 attendees. Expires one year from PO date VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview PriZm Upgrade Kit DIVERSATEK HEALTHCARE ITEM#: 2357-PRIZMUPGKIT Includes PriZm Central Unit, Zvu and Bioview Software. Manonmetry and Reflux Training included (#DEN-FGID). VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview PriZm Base Cart System DIVERSATEK HEALTHCARE ITEM#: 2357-PRIZMCARTII Includes PriZm-II Central Unit, 24" LCD medical grade monitor with stylus,Computer, keyboard/mouse, and printer, Zvu and Bioview Software,Motility Cart with isolation transformer. Manometry and... VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview MiVu Endo Cap - Single Use DIVERSATEK HEALTHCARE ITEM#: 2357-MIESOCAP3L MiVu Endo Cap - Single Use VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview MiVu Endo Cap Cable for PriZm-II DIVERSATEK HEALTHCARE ITEM#: 2357-MICAB02 MiVu Endo Cap Cable connects the MiVu Endo Cap to the PriZm-II Central Unit. VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview High Resolution Manometry Probe Warranty DIVERSATEK HEALTHCARE ITEM#: 2357-HRMEXWTY Extended Manufacturer Warranty, 1yr. Or 100 uses, whichever comes first. VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview Disposable SafeGuide Dilator 60Fr DIVERSATEK HEALTHCARE ITEM#: 2357-121560 Disposable SafeGuide Dilator 60Fr VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview Disposable SafeGuide Dilator 57Fr DIVERSATEK HEALTHCARE ITEM#: 2357-121557 Disposable SafeGuide Dilator 57Fr VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview Disposable SafeGuide Dilator 54Fr DIVERSATEK HEALTHCARE ITEM#: 2357-121554 Disposable SafeGuide Dilator 54Fr VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview Disposable SafeGuide Dilator 51Fr DIVERSATEK HEALTHCARE ITEM#: 2357-121551 Disposable SafeGuide Dilator 51Fr VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview Disposable SafeGuide Dilator 48Fr DIVERSATEK HEALTHCARE ITEM#: 2357-121548 Disposable SafeGuide Dilator 48Fr VIEW DETAILS