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ITEM#: 2541-B618060000

MFR#: B61806-0000

H-B Instrument Durac Specific Gravity/Relative Density (g/cm3) and Baume Plain Form Hydrometers: for Heavy and Light Liquids, Increments: 0.02, Length: 350mm, Accuracy: +/-0.02, Baume Accuracy: +/-1 deg., Baume Divisions: 1 deg., Baume Rang

H-B Instrument Durac Specific Gravity/Relative Density (g/cm3) and Baume Plain Form Hydrometers: for Heavy and Light Liquids, Increments: 0.02, Length: 350mm, Accuracy: +/-0.02, Baume Accuracy: +/-1 deg., Baume Divisions: 1 deg., Baume Rang