18 x 10 mL, 21,000 rpm, 50,400 x g, JA-21 Fixed-Angle Rotor, Aluminum. Major applications: Rapid, efficient separation of many samples in small volumes, such as viruses, bacteriophage, mitochondria, and nuclei. For use in Avanti J Series and J2 Serie
Biosafety Lid- 6 x 250 mL, 14,000 rpm, 30,100 x g, JA-14 Fixed-Angle Rotor, Aluminum; Major applications: General-purpose, large-volume and multi-tube processing. Adapters permit use of up to 30 each 15-mL tubes and up to 72 each 3-mL tubes. For use
32 x 15 mL, 20,000 rpm, 51,500 x g, JA-20.1 Fixed-Angle Rotor, Aluminum, Biosafety Lid. Major applications: High-force, large-volume separation of particles with 100 S or larger sedimentation coefficients. For use in Avanti J Series and J2 Series cen
12 x 50 mL, 12,000 rpm, 23,200 x g. JA-12 Fixed-Angle Rotor with Dual-Locking Biosafety Lid, Aluminum; Major applications: Pelleting cells, bacteria, or subcellular fractions; phase separations; binding studies. For use in Avanti J Series and J2 Seri