Integrated Platform HGA Graphite Tubes, Pkg. 20.Graphite tubes with integrated platforms are machined from one piece of graphite and are totally pyrocoated, providing exceptional tube-to-tube reproducibility.
Integrated Platform HGA Graphite Tubes, Pkg. 20.Graphite tubes with integrated platforms are machined from one piece of graphite and are totally pyrocoated, providing exceptional tube-to-tube reproducibility.
HGA Graphite Walled Tubes, Pkg. 10.Standard pyrocoated graphite walled tubes are produced in a quality controlled manner to ensure reliable temperature calibration in PerkinElmer graphite furnaces.
HGA Graphite Walled Tubes, Pkg. 50.Standard pyrocoated graphite walled tubes are produced in a quality controlled manner to ensure reliable temperature calibration in PerkinElmer graphite furnaces.
Integrated Platform HGA Graphite Tubes, Pkg. 40.Graphite tubes with integrated platforms are machined from one piece of graphite and are totally pyrocoated, providing exceptional tube-to-tube reproducibility.