Accuform Signs Blank Tags, Black on Orange, RP Plastic, Message: Warning, Diameter Grommet: 0.37 in., 0.93cm, Dimensions: 5.75 x 3.25 in. (14.6 x 8.25cm), Finish: Matte, For Use With: For indoor and outdoor conditions, Length: 5.75 in., 14.
Accuform Signs Blank Tags, Black on Orange, PF Cardstock, Message: Warning, Diameter Grommet: 0.37 in., 0.93cm, Dimensions: 5.75 x 3.25 in. (14.6 x 8.25cm), For Use With: For indoor and outdoor conditions, Length: 5.75 in., 14.6cm, Recommen
Accuform Signs Underground Warning Tape, Aluminized, Polyethylene, Certifications/Compliance: DOT 49CFR Support G 192.321, APWA, Format: Tape, For Use With: To warn of the utility line buried underneath it, Non-metallic pipes and cables, Le