FyterTech Nonwovens Spilfyter Spilhyder Universal Sorbent Pad, Capacity: 24 gal., 90.8L, 24 gal., Length: 18 in., 45.72cm, Gray, Dimensions: 18 x 16 in. (45.72 x 40.6cm), For Use With: Virtually lint-free and highly durable for high viscosi
FyterTech Nonwovens Spilfyter Streefyter Universal Sorbent Roll, Capacity: 52 gal., 196.8L, 52 gal., 196.8L, Length: 150 ft., 45.7m, Gray, Dimensions: 150 ft. x 32 in. (45.7m x 81.3cm), For Use With: For protection and clean-up applications
FyterTech Nonwovens Oil-Only Sorbents, Absorbancy: 28 gal., White, Dimensions: 18 x 16 in. (45.72 x 40.64cm), Thickness: Double-Weight, Length: 18 in., 45.72cm, Oil-only sorbents, For Use With: Use in the oil, gas, mining or fracking indust
FyterTech Nonwovens Universal Sorbents, Dimensions: 18 x 16 in. (45.72 x 40.64cm), For Use With: Absorbs and retains oil, water, solvents, coolants, Thickness: Medium weight, Weight: 23 lb., 10.2kg, Length: 18 in., 45.72cm, Universal sorben