Fisherbrand RFTemp2000A Wireless Temperature Data Logger, Certifications/Compliance: US (FCC), CA (IC), CE, South Korea (KCC), China (CMIIT), Japan (LCIE), Includes: USB cable, Calibration: Digital calibration, Wireless Temperature Datalogg
915 MODULE FOR PT100 -80_C SEN.Thermo Scientific Smart-Vue Wireless 915MHz Radio Module, for monitor-ready ULT Freezers with existing Smart-Vue sensors, Description: Smart-Vue Wireless Radio Module w/o analog sensor, Calibration: Not calibrated, For
915 SYS DIG SEN -40/+80, CAL,S.Thermo Scientific Smart-Vue Wireless 915MHz Radio Module System with Dual External Temperature Probe, for single door cold rooms or freezers, Description: Smart-Vue Wireless Radio Module System w/dual external temperatu
915 MODULE FOR DIG TEMP SEN.Thermo Scientific Smart-Vue Wireless 915MHz Radio Module, for monitor-ready refrigerator, freezer, incubator and water baths with existing Smart-Vue sensors, Description: Smart-Vue Wireless Radio Module w/o digital sensor,