My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview TWEEZER - CURVED VERY FINE EXCELTA CORPORATION ITEM#: 2436-7BSASE Excelta Precision Tweezers With Curved Tips and Fine Serrated Points, Precision: General, Thickness Tip: 0.0039 in., Width Tip: 0.0066 in., 0.016 cm, Length: 4.5 in., 114 mm, Stainless Steel,... VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview REPLACEMENT TIPS EXCELTA CORPORATION ITEM#: 2436-759DRTX Excelta Carbofib Tip Tweezers: Replacement Tips, Replacement Tip Kit for 759D-RTX tweezers, Tip Style: Curved, Width: 0.15 cm, Quantity: Each, Includes: 2 tips and 4 screws VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview TWEEZER - ANGLED VERY FINE EXCELTA CORPORATION ITEM#: 2436-51SA Excelta Electronic Style Tweezers with Oft Oblique Tips, Stainless Steel, Neverrust, Tip Style: Offset Oblique 45 deg. Angle, Micro Fine, Precision: High, Thickness Tip: 0.01 x 0.01 in., Length: 4.5... VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview EXCELTA PENCIL TRICEP 5IN EXCELTA CORPORATION ITEM#: 2436-42 Three Star™ Pencil Tricept Tweezer, EXCELTA® - 42 VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview TWEEZER - OFFSET FLAT EXCELTA CORPORATION ITEM#: 2436-36ASASE Excelta Small Parts Handling Tweezers, Stainless Steel, Tip Style: Offset Broad Flat Tip, For Use With: Ideal for picking flat objects off a flat surface, serrated handles for better control,... VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview TWEEZER - CURVED STRONG EXCELTA CORPORATION ITEM#: 2436-30SSE Excelta Reverse-Action Tweezers, Length: 6 in., 152 mm, Stainless Steel, Tip Style: Serrated, Precision: General, Tweezers, Reverse Action, Quantity: Each, For Use With: Holding any small items for... VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview TWEEZER - CURVED DUCK-BILLED EXCELTA CORPORATION ITEM#: 2436-2ABSASE Excelta Duckbill Point Tweezers, Length: 4.5 in., 114 mm, Anti-magnetic Stainless Steel, Tip Style: Curved, Flat Round Duckbilled Point, Precision: General, Quantity: Each, For Use With: For handling... VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview TWEEZER - CURVED - SERRATED EXCELTA CORPORATION ITEM#: 2436-24ASSE Excelta General-Purpose Tweezers, Length: 4.5 in., 114 mm, Tip Style: Curved Serrated, Medium, Precision: General, Stainless Steel, Tweezers, General Purpose, Quantity: Each, For Use With: For better... VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview TWEEZER - ANGLE EXCELTA CORPORATION ITEM#: 2436-248SASE Excelta General-Purpose Tweezers, Length: 8 in., 203 mm, Tip Style: Long Angled Blunt, Precision: General, Stainless Steel, Tweezers, General Purpose, Quantity: Each, Width Body: 0.46 in., 1.168 cm VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview EXCELTA SWTZ NVRST TWZR EXCELTA CORPORATION ITEM#: 2436-0SA Tweezers, Straight Strong Tips, Style 00, Excelta Corp® - 0-SA, Tweezers, strong point, 3 star quali VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview TWEEZER - STRAIGHT FINE EXCELTA CORPORATION ITEM#: 2436-SSSSE Excelta Precision Long Slim Tweezers with Very Fine Tips, Stainless Steel, Precision: General, Length: 5.5 in., 140 mm, Tweezers, Electronic, Quantity: Each, Tip Style: Long Straight, Precision,... VIEW DETAILS
My List Add To My List Create New List Quickview TWEEZER - STRAIGHT FINE EXCELTA CORPORATION ITEM#: 2436-SSSASE Excelta Precision Long Slim Tweezers with Very Fine Tips, Anti-magnetic Stainless Steel, Precision: General, Length: 5.5 in., 140 mm, Tweezers, Electronic, Quantity: Each, Tip Style: Long Straight,... VIEW DETAILS