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Glucagon GIPRR expressing cells labeled with Terbium, 200 Tests



Tag-lite cells transiently expressing the Glucagon GIPR receptor labeled with Terbium for use in receptor binding applications. The cells are provided ready to use..Gastric inhibitory polypeptide receptor or GIP is a GPCR expressed in the pancreas, s

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Tag-lite cells transiently expressing the Glucagon GIPR receptor labeled with Terbium for use in receptor binding applications. The cells are provided ready to use..Gastric inhibitory polypeptide receptor or GIP is a GPCR expressed in the pancreas, stomach, small intestine, adipose tissue. The GIP receptor is a member of the secretin–VIP family of GPCR. GIP, known as glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, is released by K cells in the small intestine in response to food. Cells expressing the GIPR receptor are provided pre-labeled with Terbium, and can be used to conduct receptor binding studies on the aforementioned receptor..