Abnova HPX (Rat) ELISA Kit, Conjugate: HRP, Cross Reactivity: Rat, Description: Hpx (Rat) ELISA Kit is a two-site enzyme linked immunoassay for the measurement of Hpx., Detection Method: Colorimetric, For Use With: Quantification, Product N
Abnova KIT (Human) ELISA Kit, Conjugate: Biotin, Cross Reactivity: Human, Format: 96 wells, Calibration Range: 156 to 10,000pg/mL, Description: KIT (Human) ELISA Kit is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative measurement of human
Abnova THBD (Human) ELISA Kit, Conjugate: Biotin, Cross Reactivity: Human,Mouse, Format: 96 wells, Description: THBD (Human) ELISA Kit is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative measurement of human THBD., Detection Method: Color
Abnova TLR3 (Human) ELISA Kit, Conjugate: Biotin, Cross Reactivity: Human, Format: 96 wells, Description: TLR3 (Human) ELISA Kit is an immunoassay for quantitative detection of human TLR3 in serum, plasma or cell culture supernatant., Detec