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ICP MS and ICP AES Standards

ITEM#: 3073-CLGE91AY


10 PPM GE IN H2O TRHF 100ML.Germanium Standard, CAS Number-7732-18-5, 125mL, Claritas PPT Certificate of Analysis reports up to 68 elements at ppt levels., Up to 68 elements are scanned with found values for ICP and ICP-MS standards. The found value

10 PPM GE IN H2O TRHF 100ML.Germanium Standard, CAS Number-7732-18-5, 125mL, Claritas PPT Certificate of Analysis reports up to 68 elements at ppt levels., Up to 68 elements are scanned with found values for ICP and ICP-MS standards. The found value of the trace metallic impurities is reported on the Certificate of Analysis.