Applied Biosystems MagMAX Viral/Pathogen Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit, Quantity: Up to 200 Preps, Format: 96 Deep-well Plate, Purification Time: <30 min., Content And Storage: . 55 mL Binding Solution, store at room temperature. 100 mL Wash S
Applied Biosystems MagMAX mirVana Total RNA Isolation Kit, Isolation Technology: Magnetic Bead, Purification Time: Up to 1.5 hr., Sample Type: Cells, Content And Storage: Box 1 (store at -15 to -25 deg.C). 1 x 0.48 mL Proteinase K
The AB Assurance Plan is designed for customers who require expense predictability and productive uptime, including research labs, core service facilities, and hospitals.
Thermo Scientific MagMAX Plant DNA Isolation Kit, Quantity: 96 Preps, Format: Kit, Isolation Technology: Magnetic Bead, Sample Type: Plants, Content And Storage: . 60 mL Lysis Buffer A, store at room temperature. 8.4 mL Lysis Buffer B, stor