Fisherbrand Plastic pH Strips, pH Range: 5.5 to 8, For Use With: For quick and accurate matches, Graduations: 0.2/0.3, Quantity: 100 strips per vial, 6 vials per pack, Storage Requirements: Room Temperature
Fisherbrand Plastic pH Strips, pH Range: 5.5 to 8, For Use With: For quick and accurate matches, Graduations: 0.2/0.3, Quantity: 100 strips per vial, 6 vials per pack, Storage Requirements: Room Temperature
Fisherbrand Plastic pH Strips, pH Range: 5.5 to 8, For Use With: For quick and accurate matches, Graduations: 0.2/0.3, Quantity: 100 strips per vial, 6 vials per pack, Storage Requirements: Room Temperature
Fisherbrand Plastic pH Strips, pH Range: 5 to 9, For Use With: For quick and accurate matches, Graduations: 0.5, Quantity: 100 strips per vial, 6 vials per pack, Storage Requirements: Room Temperature
Fisherbrand Plastic pH Strips, pH Range: 0 to 6, For Use With: For quick and accurate matches, Graduations: 0.5, Quantity: 100 strips per vial, 6 vials per pack, Storage Requirements: Room Temperature
Fisherbrand Plastic pH Strips, pH Range: 0.0 to 14.0, pH Range: 0 to 14, For Use With: For quick and accurate matches, Graduations: 1, Quantity: 100 strips per vial, 6 vials per pack, Storage Requirements: Room Temperature
Fisherbrand Plastic pH Strips, pH Range: 6.5 to 13, For Use With: For quick and accurate matches, Graduations: 0.5, Quantity: 100 strips per vial, 6 vials per pack, Storage Requirements: Room Temperature
Invitrogen ZOOM IPG Strip pH 4.5-5.5, Format: ZOOM IPG Strips, pH Range: 4.5 to 5.5, Separation Type: Isoelectric Focusing, Content And Storage: Each pack of ZOOMâ¬Â½ Strips contains 12 strips attached to a tri-fold card. Store at -20 deg.C. G
Fisherbrand Plastic pH Strips, pH Range: 6.5 to 13, For Use With: For quick and accurate matches, Graduations: 0.5, Quantity: 100 strips per vial, 6 vials per pack, Storage Requirements: Room Temperature
Fisherbrand Plastic pH Strips, pH Range: 0.0 to 14.0, pH Range: 0 to 14, For Use With: For quick and accurate matches, Graduations: 1, Quantity: 100 strips per vial, 6 vials per pack, Storage Requirements: Room Temperature