Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Reagent Red Cells, Quantity: 10mL, Surgiscreen Reagent Red Cells, For Use With: For detection and identification of a variety of Blood group Antibodies, Recommended Applications: Healthcare
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Reagent Red Cells, Quantity: 10mL, Surgiscreen Reagent Red Cells, For Use With: For detection and identification of a variety of Blood group Antibodies, Recommended Applications: Healthcare
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Reagent Red Cells, Quantity: 10mL, SelectogeN Reagent Red Cells, For Use With: For detection and identification of a variety of Blood group Antibodies, Recommended Applications: Healthcare
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics ABO Blood Group Reagents, Quantity: 15 x 10mL, Anti-A BioClone, For Use With: To determine ABO cell type, Recommended Applications: Healthcare
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Bovine Albumin for Blood Typing Reactions, Quantity: 15 x 10mL, Bovine Serum albumin solution, For Use With: For Blood typing reactions, enhance Antigen/antibody interactions, increase in speed and sensitivity of
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Anti-D Sera and Rh-hr Typing Reagents: ORTHO Rh-hr Control, Quantity: 15 x 10mL, For Use With: To recognize spontaneous Agglutination of red Blood cells, Rh-hr Control Reagent, Recommended Applications: Healthcare
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics ABO Blood Group Reagents, Quantity: 15 x 10mL, Anti-B BioClone, For Use With: To determine ABO cell type, Recommended Applications: Healthcare
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Anti-D Sera and Rh-hr Typing Reagents: Bioclones, Quantity: 15 x 10mL, Anti-D BioClone Reagent, For Use With: To recognize spontaneous Agglutination of red Blood cells, Recommended Applications: Healthcare